Moon Conjunction 21

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Laguna Nebula, third try.

It is currently my first shot with my Hyperstar lens. I started astrophotography with my APN Canon EOS 550D attached to the Schmidt-Cassegrain C9. When I got the Hyperstar from Starizona, it was a slap in my face getting these details.

I realized with my first Cassegrain that the focal was way too big to catch this kind of object. The APS-C was great because the sensor is so large with big pixels and it was able to catch full nebula but without any details. When I switched to cooled dedicated camera (ZWO 183MC Pro), despite the reducer 0,63, the SC was getting only the core of it. I put some bucks in the Hyperstar, and again tried Laguna M8 … how amazing it appeared suddenly.

The Hyperstar is shortening your SC9 focal by 4.35x and gives you a wide field view. Also, it is so fast (4,35 squared … quite 20x faster), as I was shooting 5s shots, I could see the Nebula in these 5 seconds !!!! Crazy !!! I needed 30 seconds with the APN on my first shot in 2021 and couldn't see the nebula in this shot, I took 20 seconds with the reducer and I couldn’t see the nebula in this shot…. 5 SECONDS with the Hyperstar. I sent one of my pictures to Starizona and they replied it was a great shot and they were happy to get some feedback from customers. Nice people. I believed that the colors popped-up with the filter UHC-S.

You’ll find in the gallery the first yellowish stacked picture, I got a lot of jet-stream during this night and green was too much in the shots. I sorted the lights to skip these too greeny shots to get the final result in this post. So : careful with jet-stream, there are some websites telling you in realtime what’s going on in the upper layers ;)

Exif : C9”25 + AltAz + EQ Wedge + Hyperstar Lens + Baader UHC-S filter + ZWO ASI183MC Pro cooled at 10°C

120 lights 5s Gain 111 / 20 biases / 20 darks / 20 flats

Sorted lights to skip too green .fits. Stacked with Siril - No post-treatment except histogram automatic

P.S. you may have a look at Starizona here