Moon Conjunction 21 … it started on July 2021. So, what is it ? and why this name ?
Well, it is an astrophotography blog. So it is tied to astronomy and not astrology ! I don’t believe in astrology, but I’m very open-minded about others’ beliefs. On top, I really love numbers and coincidences. I’m a very rational person who likes to be overwhelmed by magic. And to me, the Universe is magically beautiful.
So, I’m born on a day, month, year and time, and astrology tells that my planet is the Moon (what a weird sentence … the Moon is a moon). At this very moment of my birth, and I got the timing from my mom, while I have for some reasons a special bond with Jupiter, there was a Moon conjunction with Jupiter in the Aquarius constellation. So the name of this blog, the sign of Jupiter is looking like a 21 to me (could be a 4 for some people).
It will not be a “only-beautiful” pictures blog, I had a learning path and I’m still on it. It is intended to give also some piece of my experiences to newbies who would like to jump into this amazing pool. Well, I was a newbie, and feel like I am still a newbie, so I’ll try to share the grain sand of knowledge I have, showing the worst and my best. I may share some of my frustrations, because this hobby requires patience, and sometimes things are not happening at all.
Finally, all my pictures are copyright and cannot be used for commercial purposes. All astronomers in the world can use them for their own purpose to learn or judge. Some pictures are dedicated to some special people, please respect these and don’t spread (there’ll be a special logo on them).
P.S. No, I don’t design logos … a big thank you to Stef and Fabian for the two logos, you have been so right on your designs. I love it, thanks thanks thanks.