Flying Bat Nebula and a faint OU4
The Flying Bat Nebula and the Giant Squid were promising objects with clear skies. Unfortunately, the Squid has been very very hard to catch. I would have needed more nights of shooting, but here's the result. It is as I've shot it, no Photoshop because I refuse to use it (that's only me ... I'm not saying that using Photoshop is bad, just I don't want to use it that's all, no controversy here)
Sh2-115 and IFNs
3/3 : Back to Sardegna. It took me some time to publish the details of this one. That was my latest shot in Sardegna. No nickname on this one, it is just Sharpless 2-115, and while shooting I figured that the Hydrogen Alpha filter was good enough to catch the IFNs (Integrated Flux Nebula).
Pelican Nebula … and North America Nebula
1/3 : Back to Sardegna. Last year, I got one shot (Helix Nebula) and I stopped everything after it : humidity was reaching 90% and my setup was sweating. I said in a previous post that the island is tough, some year it’s dry, some year is humid … I got the dry weather this time. I spent five nights, shooting from 10PM to 3AM (there wasn’t even dew … incredible) letting the setup outside until the morning without any anti-dew equipment (dry, dry, dry … perfect !)
Eastern Veil, Western Veil, Supernova and Pickering’s Triangle
Back to Sardegna. Last year, I got one shot (Helix Nebula) and I stopped everything after it : humidity was reaching 90% and my setup was sweating. I said in a previous post that the island is tough, some year it’s dry, some year is humid … I got the dry weather this time. I spent five nights, shooting from 10PM to 3AM (there wasn’t even dew … incredible) letting the setup outside until the morning without any anti-dew equipment (dry, dry, dry … perfect !)
Helix Nebula
I’m back in Sardegna, my second home …Last time I was there, I caught a glimpse of Laguna Nebula. This time I have the Hyperstar and I really aim for shooting a lot … but I forgot how stubborn this island is.
Laguna Nebula, first shot
I have a special feeling about this nebula. First, it’s because it was my first shot with my Schmidt-Cassegrain and my APN Canon on September 2021, when I was in Sardegna. The result is what it is, but getting the red spot was a thrilling moment